
Pillow Talk

March 05, 2012

No, not this Pillow Talk (although it is fabulous and I highly recommend it. Netflix it.)  But this kind of pillow talk:

I have pillows on my mind.  And soon enough you will see why. I can't tell you how much I love the first pillow.  I want it in my kitchen next to the refrigerator. Its exactly right. I bet having that cutie around would equate to an easy stress-free diet.  Hungry? Read the pillow! oh yes..skinny, skinny.

I think these fun pillows add a touch of fun and quirkiness to a sofa or chair.  And are definitely conversation starters. Do? or Don't?

Felt Pillows (Let's make out and It wasn't me). Alexandra Ferguson. here.  I own one of her pillows. (neither of these though).  I really like her work.
Needle Point Pillows. Jonathan Adler. here. I don't own one but would love the first one.

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  1. I've been checking out fun needlepoint pillows lately too. Those JA ones are definitely a fav!

  2. Nothing tastes as good as..... is the infamous quote by Kate Moss not so long ago. The signal from this message that skinny is fashionable is wrong and even risky if copied by young girls. Hope you can review this post.....

    1. Yea, you could be right, but I think when its stitched on a pillow its supposed to be a satirical statement about our culture... Isn't it?

    2. This post or any post we do here on Mimosa Lane is not meant to offend anyone. The last thing we want to encourage is any detrimental behavior. We just want to inspire and motivate. We don't believe we are doing any harm by showcasing a pillow with a humorous quote that resonates with a lot of people as strive to stay at a healthy weight. It is needlepoint after all. Jonathan Adler? what say you?

  3. Pillow Talk!!!! Brings back memories of snuggling with my grandmother in bed as a kid and watching this movie... She's an interior decorator in the movie too... how funny!

    1. That's right! I had forgotten about that. So apropos!


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