
Travel Essentials

March 09, 2012

We are traveling today!! One long flight all the way to Spain. That means 2 flights and a total of about 14 hours traveling....with a four year old. These are my go-to items for such a long flight.

I have worked on some posts this last few weeks that are scheduled to go up while I'm away (Yes! I love you that much!) Plus my wonderful blogging partner, Julie, will be around to hold the fort. I will have limited access to email (those Europeans! Its just not so convenient over there) but will check in here and there. And hopefully I can post some pics during the trip. Let's see. I don't promise anything.

Seriously, that sweater up there is the bees knees. They come in all colors. If you have one, you know what I'm talking about.

Wish us a safe trip. Any fun plans for this weekend while we suffer with jet lag?

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  1. Love these picks! I need that sweater...love Annie's cheddar bunnies...and completely agree with your motto. I've gone across the Atlantic three times with a baby/toddler. "Whatever it takes" is right.
    Safe travels! xoxo

  2. albertina! goodness! i have been so busy, i cannot believe I missed the launch of your darling blog. I am so excited and thrilled that you started one! it's beautiful! have a wonderful trip. I cannot wait to ssee pics-- especially the one of your grandfather-in-law in his original ray bans :) x!

    1. Roxy!! Welcome! Thanks for stopping in. I'm so glad you did and that you like it. xx


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