
On My Mind || Pucci Inspired Lawn chairs and other goodies

July 09, 2015

So I have been gone a while, but I'm kinda sorta back.  It's #Summer so I will be in and out until the official school year starts because it's hard to blog when the kids are out of school. Am I right?  But, I do hope you are reading today because I almost fell over when I saw those super chic Pucci inspired lawn chairs on super sale! I mean only $59? Not even Target has such an amazing deal. Plus, they have plenty of them so you could buy a set of four even. Imagine your summer soirees!

The koi tray is adorable and perfect for entertaining.  I have blogged about those adorable and whimsical playing cards before when a sweet blogger friend showed them to me.  My daughter is getting them for her birthday for sure.  The "I Am Very Busy" notebook is made for me.  It also makes a cute gift.  The plants in chinoiserie pots framed prints by The Aestate are genius as is everything she does.  They would look amazing in a covered porch.  Uhm, that monogrammed straw tote is IDEAL!!!!  Such a fun and chic take on the Goyard monogram design.  The bar cart is brass perfection.  And don't we all need a set of payamas like this we can wear when we go visit our in-laws? they are cute and have plenty of cover.  And last but not least the perfect outdoor mat for summer.

Yeay!  What is on your mind lately? 

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  1. All of these are so pretty! Love the painted botanicals. I hope that you are having a great summer so far, been loving your travel pics:) xx

  2. So many great choices. Just love the bar cart and beautiful pi's! Hope your weekend is a great one!!

  3. Ok those chairs are almost too good to pass up! I wish I had room for them! Hope you are enjoying your summer! I'm still trying to figure out the blogging and parenting balance myself!

  4. I was eyeing that tray all night last night!!! guess I need to pull the trigger since it seems to be a hot item ;)

  5. I love this round up of items! Pucci has long been one of my favorite designers! You just can't beat those bright, bold colors and patterns! I have been trying to find some Pucci esque fabric for a set of pillows and I have been have THE hardest time. Have you come across any fabric designers with similar patterns?

    Marie H.
    Progression By Design


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