
File Under

November 09, 2016

As I write this we are still unsure who the next president of the United States will be.  I'm totally intrigued and really can't wait until it is announced.  In the meantime, here is my beautiful Geegee Collins piece framed and hung in my office.  I love the colors and composition.  The deep frame makes all the difference.  And I hung it nice and low so I could enjoy it while sitting on my little sofa. Geegee is a talented artist that has that same love of color that I do.  I think this is the reason why I love her work so much. Her work is energetic, spontaneous and happy.  She has more works available, check them out hereFILE UNDER- ART

FILE UNDER- FASHION AND STYLE. And now for this super fab acrylic clutch. The best part? It is only $79.  With so many expensive high-end acrylic clutches it is nice to see some beautiful ones at lower prices.  This starry one is perfect for date nights and even fancier attire evenings.  This cactus one is another fun option.

FILE UNDER-HOME DECOR. I had been coveting this gold hands vase for a while now and I recently got it as a gift. My love for it has grown exponentially!  I love it even more now that I have it.  I find it so unique and fun.  It goes beautifully in our family room.  Get yours here so we can be twinsies! #GoldHandVaseTwinsies
FILE UNDER- GIFTS.  When you are looking to send a gift that is different and exciting to get (and convenient!) look no further than Velvet Crate.  They curate boxes filled with the best kind of goodies, perfect for your loved ones.  And they have different themes depending on the occasion (Just Because, Celebrate, Holiday...)  Plus, they come beautifully presented as well. 

FILE UNDER- TRAVEL.  Traveling is so fun, while carrying a huge camera maybe is not!  And maybe (like me!) you are the one taking all the photos so you are never in them.  Ever since we discovered what a great idea it is to hire a photographer for an hour or two in the city we are visiting to get those unforgettable perfect moments captured beautifully I have been addicted to this idea.  But it's not easy to find a photographer in all these different places you want to visit.  Enter Shoot My Travel.  Pick your city, pick your favorite photographer from the list and schedule your shoot! Easy peasy and you get all your photos within 48 hours!  So I tried it during a girls trip to NY where I met two of my college  besties.  We went to Central Park and had such a fun time posing and laughing away.  No selfie stick needed and we ended up with beautiful photos that captured are joy in being together with one of NYC's prettiest backdrops.

Any good tips I should know about?  That I should add to my files?

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  1. I just bought the Hands Vase!! So excited! Thank you for the intro!
    Gorgeous NYC Photo!!!


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