
Beach Essentials

March 06, 2013

As I continue on with my excitement that Spring draws near I have to tell you that we booked our tickets for our little family Spring break vacation.  We are going to the beach.  The beach is really the best vacation with a little one.  Its relaxing for everyone because between the sand, the waves, and the pool, the kiddos almost entertain themselves while we sip on tropical drinks and get a tan...ahhhhhh!!  So this got me thinking about my wardrobe.  I don't really need anything, except some bathing suits.  But, if I were really needing to make an investment for beach wear this is what I'm thinking.

I really love this girly and sexy cover-up from Island Company.  I hadn't heard of them before but am really liking their summer dresses, cover-ups, and tunics.  Their style is very classic and preppy at the same time.  They have the kind of stuff that will be in style for years to come.   Of course, since we need a suit to go swimming on this vacation I just needed to add some Mara Hoffman.  She is the queen of prints and her suits just kill me.  Oh so fabulous!  Add some cute baubles from my new fave jewelry store Gold and Gray, and a big straw tote to carry all the beach toys and sun screens and voila! you are ready for a stylish beach day.

Of course I needed just one more beach look.  I can't leave you just with one, now can I?  I'm a girl who loves ruffles, I do.  I have a couple of Club Monaco skirts I bought like 10 years ago with little ruffles that I still wear almost everyday come summer time.  I'm sure everyone is tired of seeing them.  So, naturally, when I saw this cute dress I thought it looked just like me....add those cute earrings and some matching sandals and you will be the star of beach.

Any plans for Spring break?  Or beach outings?  Do tell?

[Pink and Girly ] [ cover-up , bikini , sandals, necklace,  braceletsstraw bag  ]
 [ Light and Chic ] [ cover-up , swimsuit, earrings, scarf , sandals , straw bag ]

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  1. the first set is SO me - i kick myelf in the butt - i got that MH bikini on a CRAZY good deal - and i have NO IDEA what i was thinking but i returned it - STILL haunts me - i even called the store to see if they could get my return and send it back - no luck

  2. obsessed with the pink and girly MH bikini ... gorgeous!

  3. I am loving the print on that bathing suit - heading to the beach in over a month, you have made me even more excited:)

    PS so glad you are coming to NYC in May, I will definitely give you a tour of wonderful Brooklyn! Let me know the details:)

  4. Love that necklace!!!

  5. I need that pink bikini. Love the cut on the top and the full bottoms so it covers everything!

  6. Mara Mara Mara, I need something from her!

  7. i LOVE that pink bikini - it is so pretty and really making me crave summer as i look out my window at all the snow!!
    -- jackiejade.blogspot.com

  8. Love the suits! I really need to pick up a new cute one before a beach trip I'm taking. I want a pattern like these!

    The Glossy Life

  9. So envious! Beach vacays are perfect for families! That Mara Hoffman suit is amazing!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  10. Arrrgh. I live 10 minutes from the beach and I'm sooooooooo not bikini ready lay! Why, oh why must you torture me this way? I do have two fabulous totes I'm dying to use on our upcoming vacay so thanks for reminding me that it's a few weeks away. Happy Hump Day!

  11. Oh hooray for your beach vacay!!!!! Arghghg I want a Mara swimsuit so badly...actually I want everything Mara! And that Anya beach tote is perfection. And yay for the Gold and Gray bracelets. Aren't they so cute!??! xoxo

  12. Ooo I've had my eye on that Mara Hoffman bikini in blue and those Valentino sandals as well - hopefully mine by the summer! I wish I had a spring break to look forward to but it looks like we won't be getting to the beach until June this year!

  13. Nobody does summer better than Mara Hoffman! I have my eye on pretty much all if her sundresses right now. Yay for upcoming vacation!

  14. LOVE the white ruffle dress! So cute. I wish I had somewhere fun to go! It's all about work work work!

  15. I'm totally jealous right now. We just got a mess of snow dumped on us last night and I could really use a beach day ;) Love your picks!

  16. I've been wanting a Mara Hoffman suit forever! Maybe for my honeymoon. And that straw bag is amazing! Just wish the price tag were lower, like a lot lower!


  17. Wow, love the second swimsuit ♥
    And lucky you Albertina that you already booked for the spring break!
    The beach, the sun... I'm jealous :)

  18. Ooh, how fun!! I'm seriously in love with the beach and JUMP at every chance to go. Really love that bikini and the bag.

  19. Lucky you!! I love your picks for your tropical getaway! Have a great trip!!

  20. I also did a beach essentials post today for my impending vacation! Love that bathing suit!

    Erica from Sunshine Stowaways


  21. What a darling post! That first board- I could not have imagined pink + girly would be part of my beach time fashion aspirations, but they are... they really are! I think you paired them up with just the right amount of edge in the suit and jewelry and that's what's talking to me. Love that entire round up!

  22. I would love a beach holiday. Which beach are you going to? I love your pics, and my kids loved going when they were young. Don't forget the shovel and pail.

  23. You are most definitely getting me excited!!! Bring on the warmth! Or at least take me to it :) p.s. I am now totally obsessed with the Mara Hoffman bikini! XO Brynn

  24. I've got to order some of those wood tassel bracelets stat! Great find :) Gah - and those Valentino flip flops!?! I don't even like bows and I LOVE these!

  25. SO jealous of your beach vacay....it's still freezing here in NC!! My skin needs some color and sunshine ASAP!!! I need that Mara Hoffman bikini, it's gorgeous!!


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