
Champagne Anyone?

May 02, 2013

www.mimosalaneblog.blogspot.com, Louis Vuitton Noe BB bag
www.mimosalaneblog.blogspot.com, Louis Vuitton Noe BB bag

A good family friend who is always in the 'know' sent me a fabulous article on the iconic Noe bag by Louis Vuitton.  She remembered I had one.  It has been in my closet for a good many years waiting for its revival.....and so I think it may be here?

This bag was designed in 1932 to transport champagne bottles (oh my!).  To live in an era when you needed  special bag just for your champagne.  The idea for it to was to be like a bucket bag that would safely carry five champagne bottles.  And now, 81 years later, Louis Vuitton is launching a new smaller version called the Noe BB.... and boy is it cute!  I was so inspired and so happy my 20 year old bag is making a comeback I planned a mini romantic picnic in our backyard as an excuse to carry a bottle of Veuve Clicquot in my now "it" bag even if it is from the kitchen to the yard.

What is sitting in your closet waiting for a revival?

[all photos by me for ML]

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  1. I have got a whole lot of crap in my closet just waiting to be brought back out. Thanks for this!

  2. So interesting that it was made with that purpose!

  3. Ahhh Albertina amiga porque no pones un botóncito de traducir ,,, je je para tu amiga latina¿. No entendí , llevas champaña en la cartera????

  4. This is proof that the classics never, ever go out of style! I'm such a fan of these lovely photos, Albertina!! xo

  5. All charming and lovely: love the bag, love a picnic, and who doesn't love sharing a glass of champagne?

  6. That bag is perfect for a bottle of champagne! And beautiful photographs Albertina:)

  7. I'll take the bag and the champagne, thank you very much!

  8. I love the back story behind this bag...and you definitely should pull it out and wear it...with or without champagne inside! xoxo

  9. Jeeez, I wish I had an LV bag waiting for revival in my closet... I have a few pairs of shoes waiting for revival but I doubt that day will ever come.

  10. LOVE THAT epi noe! its a classic!

  11. You have had the cutest stories lately. I love it! Isn't it just the most fun to discover things in your closet that seem knew again? I'm moving soon and therefore going through my storage like a crazy person. I have sell/donate/keep piles everywhere but most of the stiff in my keep pile I had forgotten about. Fun!

    I LOVE your pictures, always. What camera do you use?

  12. ok, i would LOVE to carry around a bottle of Champagne at all times. how perfect is this purse?! i love that

  13. Great post! Loved learning something new, and personal to you! Gorgeous pics too. In a nutshell = you rock. :o)

  14. Um, so fabulous! I would plan even more picnics if I were you, or, you know, just carry champagne around to everything. xo

  15. wow love that there is a fancy bag made just to carry around champagne! enjoy it! :)
    -- jackiejade.blogspot.com

  16. love the story behind the bag! and i totally agree with having champagne on hand :)

  17. A Louis Vuitton bag for champagne ... I cannot believe it!
    Clever and when you think it was in 1932, LV was a genius!!!
    Anyway lucky that you have such a beautiful bag, I'm jealous Albertina!

  18. Such a beat story! If only I drank champagne enough that I needed a special bag for it! What a life!

  19. And you would never guess you have had it all this time. Just one of the reasons I love fashion.

  20. I wish we lived in a world that required a special champagne bag! You should bring back the trend with the gorgeous LV bag.

  21. What a pretty, pretty picture!!! Louis Vuitton is such a classic, I loved learning about the uses for their bags!!

  22. Lol. I have mine tucked away as we'll but now that I know it's true purpose, it's about to be dusted off and toted about - with champagne or some wine at the very least! When the cops pull me over for this infraction I'll share the article of its origins. Lol

  23. Who knew!! I love the idea and want one now! Sadly I'm not sure there is anything in my closet cool enough for that kind of revival!

  24. Beautiful photos and a great story! I had to share your photo with my readers today on my blog. I'm sure they will love it and your blog as much as I do! Happy Weekend!

  25. Yes bring it out! And add the Champagne to it! Caroline

  26. I love this story. What a gorgeous back with and a lovely picnic idea.


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