
Currently || A collection of things happening now

November 22, 2013

We made it!  I love Thanksgiving week because its all about food, getting together, and being thankful (and no presents are involved!).  The perfect week if you ask me.  I am currently.....

Currently Thinking About ||  I had not noticed this other years but there are so many butterflies around here this time of year.  I am currently seeing them everywhere- at my daughter's school, the front lawn, even on the highway.  They are so beautiful to see fluttering about.  I researched a bit and I guess Dallas is in their migratory path down to Mexico.  And it seems they are a bit late in arriving so this is the reason why I'm seeing so many now.  Just beautiful!  I saw this work of art in this month's House Beautiful and fell in love with it.  It's a piece by Briana Sophia. She collected butterfly wings and then scanned them in to make these kaleidoscope like images.  You can buy it here.

Currently Wishing for ||  This wishbone hook!!  It would be perfect in my closet.  You can get it here.

Currently Reading ||  I was so happy to be invited to a fabulous talk by the author of this book and thought he was brilliant.  He just received the very prestigious Hiett prize.  So, of course I had to get this book as Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors. I am intrigued to read what he learned from her. (You can read more about the book and the author here). Buy the book here.

Currently Planning  ||  Yes, THE trip for a six-year-old.  A trip to Disney World.  I was hoping to avoid the trip all together but alas the situation has presented itself and we are taking advantage.  I'm sure it will be amazing living it all through Little Miss A's eyes.  Some good friends have given us plenty of tips (sooo helpful!), let me know if you have any as well.  Oh and the most exciting part we have a wedding after in Miami and guess who gets to be a flower girl??!  We have one excited little girl in this household. (You can buy the print here).

Also, if you love flatware and knowing the history behind things.  You need to read this post on the Francis the 1st silverware pattern here by the lovely Courtney Price.  And in case you missed my guest post this week over at Sea Island Drive you can see my table scape for last year's holiday and how to get a similar look here.

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope all your 'currently-ies' are positive, exciting, and that they bring you all great joys.

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  1. I love that wishbone hook as well. Have a wonderful week and your planning sounds so fun! Your daughter will be out of her mind with glee. Have a great journey to the holidays!
    xo Nancy

  2. Disney? And a flower girl? A girl's dream! And that book is now on my reading list. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Oh Man....Disney World! The only tip that I have, and you probably already know this, make your dinner reservations well in advance. Especially if you want to have any Character Dinner's. Breakfast with Mickey is great. Love that you are wishing for a wishbone :)

  4. That wishbone is lovely! And that book sounds great! I'll have to check it out!

  5. That wishbone is lovely! And that book sounds great! I'll have to check it out!

  6. You and me both, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for the cozy feeling that it brings. And congrats to Miss A for getting the trip of a lifetime:) Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. I just ordered one the The Aestate's prints last night for our bathroom - I love her work! And Briana Sophia's kaleidoscopic pieces are so beautiful, they look like something out of a dream! How fun to be heading to Disney, I can't wait until we have a little one to take one day!

  8. LOVE it all!!! How exciting about Disney - what a special treat for the darling Miss A! We loved the Old Key West Disney resort because it was a condo - with three kids we needed the space. Main piece of advice - stay at a Disney property and take advantage of the early admission and other benefits you receive. For a splurge look into the VIP tours - it will make your experience easier. When are you going?

    Have a wonderful weekend, Albertina! xoxo

  9. That butterfly is so beautiful...I am now obsessed!! And the Mickey ears are so adorable!! Happy Friday!

  10. Oh my Disney. I am putting that trip off as long as possible too. :) I've heard wonderful things about that book as well, it is on my list!

  11. As I was reading your observations on butterflies in Dallas, I was remembering that just a month ago I was thinking the same thing about butterflies in SoCal- everywhere! Our yard was nearly swarmed one afternoon and the suddenly, they were gone. Maybe we were in their path as well? Happy weekend to you Albertina!

  12. i love jane austin and would love to hear what you think about the book :) and thanks for the awesome NYC restaurant recommendation, it looks absolutely amazing!

    Molly {Dreams in HD}

  13. OK I went to Disney World in like 8th and 9th grade {one was a business trip for my dad which I protested} and had SO MUCH FUN. Epcot is the coolest place ever!! I'm kind of jelly. And flower girl?!? Wooo hoo little Albertina! She will be so pretty! My brother got married right outside of Miami but I have never actually been to the city. Anywho..that's enough rambling. xoxo

  14. I love Jane Austin. Thanks for introducing a new read for me. The butterflies sound downright magical! How beautiful! I'm not sure if this will be your first trip to Miami, but if so, be prepared for atrocious traffic. Otherwise, enjoy your trips and time with family!

  15. The Disney trip is a must, I was aiming for Matthew's 5, let's see ;) When are you going? For the Holidays? Share those tips! Even if it means that I'll put them to practice in a few years ;)

  16. Disney! How much fun!!! Butterflies are the best.

  17. Disney!, que divertido , yo adoro Jane Austen

  18. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week A!

    The little MIss will love it!

  19. I love Jane Austen, this book is going on my reading list! :)

    The Glam Pad

  20. I think you should treat yourself to the wishbone in honor of T-Day and as a reward for taking little Miss to Disney Land!

  21. thank you so much for including the ears!! also needing that wish bone....


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