
Austin Bean Design Studio

May 09, 2016

Leafy greens....so good for your body but even better for your home.  I'm a huge fan of this look so it was inevitable that I fell in love with this home designed by the super talented duo behind Austin Bean.  Of course, it helps that the fabulous photographs are taken by one of my favorite interior design photographers Alyssa Rosenheck.  Let's take a tour of a couple of their projects-

I love the simple idea of framing papel picado in contrasting colors.  Easy, inexpensive and so interesting.  You can buy some here and even personalize it.

Dying over these planters!  Where are they from? Anyone know?

I love their comfortable, easy and modern aesthetic. They have a great portfolio.  See more of it here.

[all photographs via Austin Bean by Alyssa Rosenheck

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  1. Thank you Mimosa Lane!! Those planters are a find by our client from Floral Art LA!

    Happy Monday to you!

    1. Thank you!!! I might just need to get them for my kitchen as well. They are so fun! Love your work!

  2. Gorgeous Spaces!! Love the Banana leaf wallpaper! and those planters are incredible!!


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