
Happy Friday and Links

November 18, 2016

Happy Friday before Thanksgiving!  I hope you have your menu and tablescape all planned out.  Isn't this half the fun anyway?  I hope you are getting together with dear friends and loved ones and that your time together is sweet, easy, and magical.  I will start my gift guides after Turkey Day so stay tuned.  In the meantime a few links-

-  If you need some Thanksgiving recipe ideas, or you just need a reminder of how to cook a Turkey go here.
This coffee table has changed my family room forever.  In love!  And it is so nicely priced! And it looks Aaaahhhmazing.
This skirt will sure get the party started.
-  I have been wanting to do some glamping and this place seems like the perfect place to go with family and friends.

Have a wonderful weekend. xx


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  1. I always look forward to your Friday links! I have heard good things about Dunton Hot Springs - also check out Paws Up - Miss A would love it there! Have a wonderful weekend, sweet Albertina! xoxo

  2. Oh I loved the skirt. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Lisa x


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