
Happy Friday

March 31, 2017

This wallpaper, and the fact that it's Friday, makes me so happy!  A few links for your reading pleasure this weekend.

||  Everyone praises leaders constantly and colleges seem to be only interested in them...but what about good followers?  I thought this was a very interesting article.

||  If you enjoy table decor you will be inspired by these beautiful and varied tablesettings for outdoor entertainment.

|| Curious about New Zealand?  You will want to read this article.  I have such wanderlust now.

||  Some clothing pieces that caught my eye this week ||  This white pirate style shirt (the sleeves really get me!), these adorable pointy spring flats, I have a feeling I would use these cropped white pants all summer long.

||  If I had a summer wedding, I would consider this beauty.

|| Raising kind kids is essential to making this world a better place.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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  1. That Wall Paper is divine!!! I loved the two articles in this post. So true!! The Elle Decor tablescapes are so inspiring!

  2. Wow that wallpaper is absolutely gorgeous!! I want my walls like that!!
    And the articles are very interesting!! Thank you for sharing!!


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