
Wedding Weekend

October 19, 2012


I'm so excited for this weekend because one of my good high school friends is getting married!  It will be wonderful to get back together with the gang. I haven't met the bride yet, so I'm curious.  Do you still keep in touch with your high school friends?  We see each other probably once a year.  They are pretty much all clustered in Boston and New York so its not too difficult to get together.  

I know this is not a wedding dress, but it could be.  Way back when I was trying on wedding dresses I tried one on with very similar workmanship.  It is so feminine and elegant and most importantly, different.  This Valentino piece takes my breath away.

Some thoughts:

1 | I downloaded this movie to my iPad for the plane.  I have heard good reviews from my friends.  If you are looking for something to rent I recommend this or this, both are Almodovar movies.  Both are strange, of course, but good.  If you see them, please report back.  Have you seen his movies before? 

2 | My birthday is coming up, yikes!  I think I might get this as a mini gift for myself (Thanks Erika for the introduction).  I'm also thinking this could be cute and cozy in an Elmo kind of way.  It doesn't take much to make me happy :)

3 | I'm really grateful for PugleyPixel.  I learn so much from her and use her creations a lot in my posts.  I think Katrina needs a standing ovation from all of us bloggers.

4 | Ever since my friend Carla introduced me to the possibilities of Overstock, it doesn't seize to amaze me.  Take a look at this Sputnik chandy.  

5 |  I bought the book The Time Traveller's Wife per Dana's suggestion for my trip this weekend (I know, I know....book, movies, a wedding, old friends...am I really going to have time? probably not but I like thinking I can pack it all in). During my last trip I read The Life of Pi  (meehh....but the ending was interesting and I will probably see the movie anyway).

6 | And last but not least I'm really grateful for all you readers stopping by and reading what I have to say and seeing what I have to show.  If you have any ideas of things you want to see more of or less of please let me know.  I will be happy to oblige.  Virtual kisses to all of you!

Happy Weekend!  Celebrate! xx

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  1. Have fun! I am obsessed with the Time Travelers Wife, btw. Obsessed. Movie makes me bawl as well!

  2. just found ur blog - *love it* - ur newest follower hun! -- PS - i love the top Erika suggested, GO FOR IT! - and have a blast at the wedding - i still stay in tough with all my HS friends - luckily were all still in state or just a state or two away from Jersey

    PS - Everyone welcome to enter: ~Plush Velvet Pumpkins Giveaway ~ it’s perfect for this time of year! (love for you to stop by and enter)

  3. That dress is gorgeous! I love overstock, they have so many amazing pieces!

    Have a great weekend Albertina!


  4. I have a wedding in two weeks, so exciting! You'll love The Time Traveler's Wife, I devoured it in a week or less!

  5. The high school friends are some of the best! The ladies I befriended there (went to an all girls school) are still among the my core group of besties. Have a blast. That dress made me swoon. So did PugleyPixel whose site I've been devouring all morning. Virtual Besos.

  6. That dress is gorgeous - so original and romantic.

  7. This image is amazing! Have a safe and great trip, Albertina!

  8. Love that picture. I love those kinds of weddings. Their always like mini h.s reunions!!! Have a great time!! xoxo

    The Now Style Book

  9. The kind of dress I would like to wear if I get married one day ...
    Have a GREAT weekend and a SAFE travel Albertina!

  10. how fun! i hope you have a wonderful time! i see a few of my high school girlfriends a couple times a year.

  11. intersting! have a great time....some of my best and long lasting friend are from high school...seems like so long ago!


  12. Have an amazing weekend my dear!!!

  13. I hope you have a great time seeing all your old friends! I love that dress and agree about Pugley Pixel's tutorials. I don't have time to work through many of them these days but they are really helpful and she has such talent.


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