
Recently Magazine || Phone Photo Solution

March 22, 2017

Wouldn't you love being subscribed to a quarterly (or monthly) magazine featuring YOU??!!!!  Do you have a million iPhone photos but don't know what to do with them?  You don't want to delete them, but they are not frame worthy.  You probably know exactly what I mean. These phone photos may be less grand than your good camera photos but they do tell your daily comings and goings and more appropriately capture those small life triumphs and silly victories, or those whimsical fleeting thoughts (being delighted by a slew of freshly baked cookies anyone?!). These phone photos can take you back to a specific thought on a specific day so easily.  They are hard to give up. So, what is a photo-loving or obsessed person to do??  

Well, I have the most amazing solution for you.  I recently found out about RECENTLY, a company that easily prints (quarterly or monthly, you choose) phone photos you have accumulated into the cutest magazine format.  Stack them, display them, or even use them as a visual diary.  The idea is brilliant!  I love taking photos with my phone but then I don't really utilize all these pics like I do the photos I take with my 'good' camera.  Those feel more special, but the photos I capture with my phone are the ones that actually capture the essence of my regular more casual life. So, of course I was thrilled to find a way to treasure these daily musings. Here are some snaps of my first (of many I hope) Recently magazine-

Here is a sweet moment captured of my baby relaxing and reading in her bedroom.  Just a typical wintry day enjoying the sun's warm rays.  Then, I have my office captured in that rare moment where everything is in it's place.

Here we have a surprise visit from grandma and Maggie before bedtime.  Oh and that one time we went to a real Texas rodeo!  What an experience! We loved it.

The first day of lacrosse practice ever!  We were so excited for this day to finally be here.  And what about those pretty heart-shaped macaroons a sweet friend gave me as a present for Valentine's.  Pretty memories should be printed!

And here is my Recently magazine stacked in our coffee table so we can enjoy these memories freely anytime.

You can also give Recently subscriptions as presents.  How original!  And you can get several copies of the same magazine to send to grandma and grandpa as well.  Treasuring phone photos just got easier. Check Recently out here.
[all photos by AC]

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  1. I thought this would be a great gift for a friend who travels frequently, but when I went to website, I found that the gift certificates were $100. I wish I were in a position to be that generous I cannot follow through. I tried to get their contact info but was unable to get their email address. Could you assist me with that? Thank you so much.........brm

    1. I found this email- hello@getrecently.com. I'm sure they would be happy to help you with any questions!! Thank you! xx

  2. Loooove that gold hand vase!!! Please share where you found that little jewel!!

    1. Hi Jane, They sell it in a few places. Here is a link to one of them- http://www.houzz.com/photos/79850326/Arteriors-7727-Piedmont-Porcelain-Vase-contemporary-vases


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