
Killer Color Combo

February 24, 2012

What is not to love about neon yellow, white, fuschia and black? Love, Love, Love.  What came first as inspiration for this post anyway? The painting or the outfit?  Not sure really.  I've had that painting in the back of my mind for a while.  Its Nicole Cohen's.  Her blog, Sketch 42, is one of my favorites. In my opinion, it is one of the most original ones out there.  I think its the combination of her voice, taste, and insight that I most admire.  Plus I love her art.  I own three of her paintings.  You could say I am a fan.

Then, yesterday I saw these neon yellow pants and I fell in love with them.  They immediately brought to mind the beautiful necklace I have had my eye on from Noble House (I already have two of her necklaces) and the shoes, which I already own....and one thing led to another..... and voila! An art to outfit post.  

You are probably thinking....What? She owns hot pink ballerinas? I have actually had them for almost three years and I wear them all the time in the spring.  They seem like they don't match with anything right?  But they do.  

Would you wear an outfit like this? or is it to loud? Will someone please buy this cool painting?! 

Painting. Nicole Cohen. Necklace. Noble House. Jeans. Calypso St. Barth. Ballerina's. Ferragamo. Shirt. Vince

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  1. Replies
    1. Yes! Nicole has such a great eye.

  2. Aww! Thanks hun! You know I think you are awesome too. Come back to NYC!

    1. So sweet! Thanks for stopping by. I hope I get to see you in the summer? I'm hoping sometime in June. WIll let you know for sure. Love that Painting....and you are such a trensetter with the neons....you have been working with them for at least over a year right?!

  3. Ohhh my gosh!! I love everything!!

  4. I love everything! I want the whole outfit and the painting!!


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