
Luxe Lusting || Gold Accents

January 07, 2013

Happy chic Monday!!  Here are some sparkly, clean, and crisp beauties to start you off right this week.  I'm in love with this table lamp.  What desk would not benefit from this little sculpture?  Pure perfection.  And these gold rimmed plates?  How perfect are these plates that you can mix and match with your existing china.....and like the little black dress....you can dress them up or down.

These sparkly shoes are a classic.  My grandmother had similar ones and I know fifty years from now they would still be as relevant.  And these stunning earrings? The neutral tones make them perfect for any outfit.  Oh, how happy I would be in a world of golds, whites and silvers.  My heart would be content.   

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  1. Those plates are GORG! Going to need me some of those!

  2. LOVE it! Thanks so much for the shout out link...and don't even get me started on the cuteness of that DIY! Yours is even better than the inspiration!

  3. PS: zhush.com is now part of the rewardstyle program;)

  4. I have vintage plates just like that! LOve them! Also those shoes fabulous!

  5. Very chic monday indeed! That lamp should really be sitting on my night table.

  6. I love the pumps, especially since your grandmother had a similar pair!

  7. Wow, lots to love here. So glad gold is back with all its warmth and fabulousness.Happy 2013!


  8. I am seriously loving all of the touches of gold I'm seeing around the blogosphere today! Gorgeous pieces!

  9. After hitting the stores at Christmas, my husband returned and informed me that "gold is the new silver (LoL!)". Until now, he had this idea in his head that anything gilded or brassy = 80's. So glad we're finally on the same page. Long a lover of that little arc lamp and how could you not feel snazzy stepping out in those mary janes?

  10. Seriously craving some gold accents! LOVE the light and plates.

  11. I am so mad at myself for not registering for white and gold plates. They are so fun. And I dream about that lamp! xoox

  12. Hello lovers! I can't believe your grandma had shoes like that! What?! Style clearly runs in the family!

    I will always love that lamp!

  13. Yes! I have been lovin' that lamp. Would look amazing on my desk.

  14. That lamp is just lovely! And I wish I'd seen those plates when I was in the market for some! Just what I was looking for. =)

  15. Albertina esa lampara muy linda y ese conjunto de aros mas esos zapatos muy lindos

  16. Love all of your picks and so loving the lamp - have a perfect spot for it!

  17. i've been thinking of getting some nice gold accessories... they look really cute!

  18. Aahhh I cannot get enough gold!! The shoes I am lusting over right now are those fab pointy heels with a gold cap on the toes. I love these ones here and I can't believe your grandma had similar ones!!

    On another note, thanks for your comment today Albertina! I've never owned marble in the kitchen, but when I do my next reno I plan to have it as a backsplash too. My thoughts are that I currently have bright white subway tile as my backsplash with no different material as a backsplash near the stove or sink etc ... I wipe up any red sauce or things like that which splatter RIGHT AWAY because of our white grout ... I've had NO problems 2 years later. I know that marble stains easy but I think if we are diligent it could be ok. People survive with it as the entire counter :) I'd love to hear from someone who has a marble backsplash, let me know if you ever hear! xox

  19. Love it all! Those plates are darling!


  20. Love love love! Gold accents are one of my favorites in both my wardrobe & home. Such a fab post. And that lamp is so cool!


  21. metallic accents, yes please! I'm really into brass right now :) but gold works too! The lamps is awesome.

    I think this is my first comment here since the new year... Happy New Year Albertina! Wishing you all the best and lots of happiness for 2013!

    Xx. Holly.


You make my day with your comments! Thank you!!
