
One Room Challenge || The credenza arrived and other leafy matters

April 30, 2014

Today is One Room Challenge Day! If you are new and don't know what the One Room Challenge is it was started by Linda from Calling it Home some years ago.  In this challenge she lines up twenty talented interior designers and professional bloggers to redo a room in their home in just six weeks- we update you once a week on Wednesdays. And today is Wednesday and I'm decorating our family room.  (In case you missed it here is last week's post where I talk about the accessories that will go in the room.   Today, I want to talk about a few things I have accomplished since last week.  Let's start with my beautiful credenza that arrived yesterday!  It is better than I envisioned!!  It is ravishing and kind of just steals the show....is the rest of the room as elegant and exciting?

The truth is the rest of the room is much more casual.  But there is a big picture....since this family room shares the same space as my kitchen and I have a fabulous black marble with white veins back-splash (major drama factor) I think it will will play nicely in the grand scheme of the entire room.  Dying over the result of this credenza. So, so happy. 

I do not have a green thumb AT ALL so decided to fill a fabulous ceramic vase passed down to me from my mom (because she thought it was hideous. Hey! one person's trash is another person's treasure!) with succulents that are 'supposedly' easy to take care of.  Let see how long they last!

And continuing with this leafy theme....If you have been following this blog for a while you know I have been dying to own a fiddle fig leaf tree.  I knew they were kind of finicky so I had a long conversation with Jose over at Nicholson Hardie (best home/plant store in Dallas).  Jose is the BOSS in the indoor plant area and he gave me the lowdown on this tree. What he described to me was a very difficult care situation.  It turns out it is the only tree in the entire store that they won't guaranty.  Yikes! Not good news at all to an already unsure customer. And to remind you I do not have a green thumb, but I was really thinking I needed to get it and try it out anyway.  As I was pondering this situation in a deep dark corner I found the perfect solution.....this tree you see here:

But, it's a fiddle fig leaf tree?  How is this a solution? This is what you are asking yourselves, right?  Well, if you look closely it's a fake!!  Faux Fiddle Fig Leaf Tree. PERFECT! It was less expensive, it looks exactly real, and I get to really enjoy my investment forever!!  I adore it.  Even Z Gallerie is carrying faux fiffle fig trees nowadays.  So, excited about this purchase.

And here is the pillow situation...mixing some old pillows with a new pink velvet one with black and white trim.  Spend here, save there....you know how the cookie crumbles.

I was not going to have a coffee table (I know it's almost blasphemy in the blogging world with all the amazing coffee styling posts out there!) because I just wanted the sofa to have easy access.  But then, my husband kept asking where he could put a glass of water or his hot milk? (yes, he loves drinking hot milk).  Well, it all fell into place when I saw this golden tree stump stool on super sale at the Arteriors outlet store.  It barely takes up room, it adds the perfect amount of sparkle, and my husband can place his drink there. Score on all fronts!

Ok, that is it for this week.  Sorry about the photos....it has been an iPhone photo kind of a week.  Next week is the big reveal!!!  Now, that is exciting.  I have so much work to do.  The real work begins now. This will be the toughest yet most exciting week.  Let's go see what the other participants are up to this morning!

Chez V 

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  1. That credenza is ridiculously amazing. Can't wait to see you put it all together.

  2. Holy cow credenza!!!!! I'm dying waiting to see all the little peeks and pieces come together, it's going to be a stunner!

  3. I love the stump table. I can't wait to see the whole picture!

  4. Omg arteriors outlet store?! Thats it, i'm moving to texas!

  5. I'm so dead over that credenza...it actually makes my heart weak- sooooooo good. And as the owner of a real FLF that has had literally 5 leaves for 2 years, I can attest to how impossible they are...I'm SO getting on of these fake numbers in future- amazing!

  6. Your new credenza is to die for, just stunning!!!
    And the fig tree really looks real. I look forward to see the whole room next week :)

  7. Everything looks fabulous. I'm so pleased about how well the white and brown rug work with the grey sofa and that stump table ... Great all great

  8. The credenza is stunning. Bravo. Love the hardware. Are those triangles pulls? I need them!!

  9. Credenza and pillows look incredible!!! I used to have the blackest thumb until I learned 2 simple tricks - 1. set a weekly alarm on your phone on a day you know you'll be home (I do Sat. mornings) as a reminder to water 2. buy plants appropriate for the sun conditions in that area of the room. Good luck!

  10. The credenza is so beautiful! Can't wait for next week!

  11. That credenza is simply perfection my friend. Every detail, right down to the legs is amazing. Can't wait for the big reveal!

  12. That credenza is so glamourous!! I love it and I can't wait to see how you mix it all up!

  13. Omg omg omg, can't wait to see it all, it was already so fabulous! :)

  14. That piece is so pretty Albertina, the gold details are perfectioN! I cannot wait to see the big reveal:)

  15. Trying to get beyond the hot milk. The credenza is so good. Good call on the fiddle leaf - they are an exercise in frustration. I'm excited to see your reveal.

  16. Hey....a fake tree! Since I have killed no less than three real ones that is definitely an avenue I need to take in the future! Love your sneaky little peeks....especially the coffee table!

  17. I'm dying over that stump! Can't wait to see the end results. :)

  18. whatever that black and gold piece is. LOVE. and the light fixture things. LOVE x 2 . cant wait to see the finale next week. xo

  19. Hold the phone... there is an arteriors outlet in Dallas????????! GAH.

    Now that I'm fully recovered from the shock, may I say your credenza is a stunner? Well done!

  20. man, this is going to knock it out of the park. LOVE. EVERYTHING. and i may have to invest in a few fake trees for our casa...we have so many mature trees outside that most rooms don't get much light. i have resisted, but if you say there are good ones out there, i may have to look into it. oxox

  21. ah saw this credenza on insta - love it! looking for one myself right now. need it to be white but love the mid century modern / brass accent look - if you have any suggestions! xxxo

  22. Love that credenza. It's simply put...magnificent. That is crazy about the fig leaf tree...although I did know they can be finicky!

  23. The credenza and rug are looking so yummy!

    Can't wait to see the finished room next week!


  24. Ok the credenza is a showstopper - that's a given but I'm equally smitten with that gold stump table. Want one!

  25. Your new Credenza is stunning!!! Well, everything single accessory or piece is STUNNING! I can't wait for the big reveal!!

  26. That credenza is amazing, bravo to you on that one. Love the idea of faux Fiddle. I would need a place to put my feet up, so happy to hear that your husband has a stump...gold, at that. Looking great and I can't wait to see the big picture of all this.

  27. I know I already said it on Instagram but a credenza that good deserves multiple comments;) Love it girl!

  28. Seriously think you should make more credenzas and sell them. I adore the black but can also imagine it in other yummy colors! You must be so excited -- I'd just sit in front of it and be impressed with myself if I were you ; )

  29. I am dying over the credenza, and I simply MUST see that black marble backsplash! Ooh, la la!! The coffee table is fabulous, and I love the pillows! Such a fabulous idea on the faux fiddle leaf! This room is going to be AMAZING!!!

    The Glam Pad

  30. The credenza!!!! Speechless. Regained speech. So amazing. Love the stump, the rug, everything in that first picture. Love it all!!!

  31. Wow, that credenza is SUCH a statement piece! Gorgeous!

  32. THAT CREDENZA!!!!!!!! Oh Albertina, I LOVE IT!

  33. Whoa, don't know what's better, the credenza or your kitchen description!! Dying to see next week.

  34. I love the credenza! What a wow! The pillow fabrics are so luxe--I can't wait to see the whole room together. Good luck this week! xx

  35. A fake tree? NO! But I can see why and may have to follow your lead cause like you, aint nothing green about these thumbs. I think you'll need to devout an entire post to that credenza my dear. It is everything!

  36. For the love of credenzas!!!!! The sneaks are killing me. I need more NOW. The description of your backsplash is drool worthy.

  37. Um...I'm in love with that brass bird. :)

  38. I cant wait to see more....your credenza looks amazing!

  39. That is a fiddle leaf fig I can imagine owning! The credenza is amazing!!! I can't wait to see the big reveal! :)

  40. Oh that credenza. I think I'm going to dream about it... And a fake fiddle leaf? Shut up -- too brilliant. My looks so horrible but there's no way I'm giving it up until it's absolutely dead after spending as much as I did on it.
    Tricia // Suburban BItches


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