On My Mind || Fun Things

September 10, 2014

When I see a piece of clothing I like before buying it I ask my self "could this become my uniform?" Most things in my closet really go on heavy rotation and I'm getting much better at knowing if I will really get my money's worth for a specific piece.  This Cynthia Rowley dress is so fun, chic, different, comfortable and exciting that I think it would definitely pass the "could it become my uniform?" test.  I'm so in love with it and think it would be so flattering on any body type.  Plus the colors and fabric choices are just perfect.  Enough about the dress right?  Here are a few other things -

Earrings || this type of earring that adorns even your upper part of the ear is very "in".  I suggest you get some asap.  I got some similar ones this summer and I'm dying to wear them.  These are really at a great price. Letter Tee shirt || Mary Katrantzou created a fun collection of tees with every letter of the alphabet.  They are so colorful. Find your letter here.  "You Rock" tray || The perfect gift for a friend. The "Big Ideas" Notebook ||  the chic way to keep track of all your dreams and plans.  Glasses ||  Sophisticated and pretty and only $20 for four. Candamill Bag ||  I'm in love with this structured bag and for today's fancy handbag standards the price is a friendly one as well.

Ok, so back to the dress...do you love it as much as I do??  Someone please get it and tell em all about it, my budget is shot.

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  1. Our budgets must be related but that dress may be worth the extreme amt of trouble I would be in if I splurged...again!

  2. Between that bag and that dress you are made in the shade, love:)

  3. That is a really good rule of thumb - esp since i feel like i wear 'uniforms' all the time anyway. thanks for the tip. :)

  4. That bag is the coolest bag I've ever seen. You need to add stylist to your resume!


  5. My budget is also too short! I'm in love with that dress!!!

  6. you always find the most amazing things! seriously obsessed with that bag, that dress, and those earrings {AND such a great deal!} but yes, that dress is gorgeous. if you buy it i'd love to hear your thoughts on how it fits :)

  7. Love those wine glasses, so fun!

    x Lily


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