
When the Elf is no longer on the Shelf

December 18, 2014

We have an Elf on the Shelf.  He arrives after Thanksgiving and stays through Christmas Eve.  If you don't know about him, he watches the kids to make sure they are behaving and reports back to Santa every night. He bounces around in our library (because this is where the chimney is) and sometimes is known to eat some Hershey Kisses when none one is looking.  One morning he might be on the mantel, then another day he might be on the computer.  But, all in all, he is an elf on the shelf for sure. So, when I saw all the amazing things these two elves have done I just had to share with you. These are elves out of shelves and into real life.  I'm kind of jealous of all the fun things they get to do. Uhm.......they arrive from the North Pole via a hot air balloon?!!

Let me tell you about this amazing mom- Jenny is a fabulous baker, mother of two, and book author.  I recently came across her blog, Jenny Cookies, through my friend Swanky:Chic:Fete  and I have to say I just loved it.  It is filled with amazing party ideas and recipes (caramel bark recipe? of course!).  Jenny is so creative, just you wait and see.  Back to the elves and that hot air balloon....

They play dress-up with Barbie's clothes.

They bake miniature wedding cakes.

and play scrabble

 and eat donuts (made out of cheerios!)

They make snow angels

and have Starbucks coffee dates.

They go camping (look a the fire set-up!)

and raid the advent calendars for yummy chocolates (oops!)

 They watch Holiday movie favorites 

and are even looking to buy a home. Here they are filling out a mortgage application.

They love their sweets!

and their hot chocolate with marshmallows.

And they wrap miniature gifts too!

If you loved these you will for sure love Jenny's blog.  There are so many more elf photos to see!

Do you have an elf on the shelf?  Does he forget to move sometimes? 

[images via Jenny Cookies]

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  1. Wow! That is so creative and makes me feel so slack! ;)

  2. So cute! can't wait to do this for my kids one day!

    x Lily

  3. I did it for my kids last year and it was so much fun!!


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