
Gift Scoop || Extended Stay Gift Ideas

June 24, 2013

Now that summer is here I'm sure many of you have extended stay invitations to friend's homes, be it for weddings, for a long weekend, or for a quick jaunt to the mountains or beach.  And I know you all want to be a special guest to these friends and surprise them with a unique and thoughtful but not too expensive gift.  This gift should show your appreciation for such a formidable invitation.  I have gathered a few fun ideas for you.

One || These fun John Derian plates are so much fun.  They are melamine but imitate fine china designs.  They are perfect for picnics and backyard barbeques plus the fact that they start at $8.75 is quite a treat.  Add to a set of these plates some fine cheeses and crackers and you have a perfect gift for your hosts.

Two ||  I almost died when I spotted this raffia bowl (its on sale too! for $28).  It's colorful, beautiful, and so practical.  This is a perfect basket to add anywhere to add some texture and ethnic personality.  Add some delicious fruits to this basket and you have a gift that your hosts will enjoy.

Three  ||  The reliable L.L.Bean Boat tote.  It is so practical  and classic.  Have it monogrammed with your hosts initials.  Add some beach towels from Target (monogram these as well) and your hosts will be thanking you all summer!

Four ||  These cute little votives are so elegant and chic.  Buy several of them and use as vases.  Fill them with some beautiful blooms and they will brighten your hosts' home immediately!

Five ||  This fabulous wine stopper can be the perfect keepsake that will be used again and again.  Add a fine bottle of wine and you have the perfect gift that you will likely get to enjoy as well.

What are your go to gifts for extended stays?

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  1. These are really nice ideas, A- tks for the inspiration! Xx

  2. Love it! I like using candle votive for flowers! I am glad I am not the only one! The cheese plates are so cute too!

  3. I usually take a bottle of wine, but thank you for the round up of such wonderful gifts! I'm stuck on the J.Derian site right now, and love those melanmine plates. Hope you made it there safe and sound and have a wonderful trip!
    xo Nancy

  4. Those melamine plates are the shit.

  5. Very cute ideas! I love the candle votives as a vase!

  6. This was a fabulous idea for a post!! I love the dishes and the fresh flowers and vases. Great ideas!!



  7. This is so great...little details make all the difference! I recently visited a friend in Atlanta; she had bottled water and little gifts waiting for us on our bedside table. It was such a sweet gesture!

  8. These are fabulous ideas Albertina, love the idea of giving cheese:)

  9. These are great ideas–I'd love ANY of these if I were the hostess!

  10. those plates are freakin amazing!

    we use melamine for everyday plates and been using la cadeaux plates for awhile now. melamine but pretty thick and they stand the time!

  11. Such fabulous ideas! I love the idea of a homemade fruit basket or cheese plate!

  12. these are great hostess gifts! i sometimes struggle with thinking of something nice but not overly pricy as a gift. love these!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak
    -- $75 anthropologie giveaway

  13. These are such great gift ideas! I really love the melamine plates..the designs are gorgeous!

  14. Love every single one of these ideas!

  15. These are really great ideas, Albertina! Thanks for sharing!!

  16. That is a great wine stopper. I'm going to use this idea for a hostess gift I need to give in a couple weeks. Thank you!

  17. Loving that wine stopper! Such a great idea. I'm having fun seeing your instagram pics too! I love that you can share the sights an ocean away!

  18. These are great ideas and I need them! Thanks girlfriend.

  19. Love the idea of bringing a monogrammed bag and beach towels for an extended beach getaway. Such a sweet, personalized hostess gift!

    xx, Bubbly in Brooklyn

  20. Me gustaron mucho esas ideas para regalar

  21. The gift guide is amazing! I absolutely love the idea of giving the L.L.Bean Boat tote with the Towels! I have one and I cannot live without it.

  22. have so many engagement gifts right now, thanks for the inspiration!

    XO, Stefanie
    Life on the Squares

  23. These are such great gift ideas. Thanks!

  24. The guest who brings me cheese can stay the entire month! Love all of your ideas and hope you are having a wonderful trip.

  25. amazing ideas!

    Thanks for the great post :)


  26. You always have the best ideas! Thank you for sharing!

  27. That's a brilliant idea!!! Really a nice blog to read. Thanks for sharing

    Manhattan extended stay


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