
One ROom Challenge || Week Two - Walk-in Closet

October 08, 2014

I felt like last week went by quicker than usual....hmmm. I want to give you all an update on my closet which is what I'm working on for this One Room Challenge. If you are new and don't know what the One Room Challenge is it was started by Linda from Calling it Home some years ago.  In this challenge she lines up twenty talented interior designers and professional bloggers to redo a room in their home in just six weeks- we update you once a week on Wednesdays. And today is Wednesday!  (in case you missed it here is last week's post where I introduce my plans and some design inspiration.

At first, I wanted my closet to be pink. I love Quadrille's fabrics and so went there directly to see what inspired me.  I pulled several beautiful fabrics in pink tones but this Malmaison one seemed exactly right. It has a little pink, a little leopard and it is romantic and feminine- ideal for a walk-in closet.  I immediately thought I could splurge on some Farrow and Ball paint.  Their colors just have those deep pigments and they have the perfect pink to boot. But when I went to place the fabric order they told me it would take 6 weeks to get it. Six weeks??!! This is the One Room Challenge! I don't have time for 6 weeks! There was nothing I could do, so I asked about the other pretty pink Quadrille fabrics I had pulled.  ALL were made-to-order and thus took 6 weeks as well. I even tried finding about Amanda Nisbet's Positano...and of course it is also made-to-order. Oops....I needed to forget about fancy fabric and find something that was available so I went back to the drawing board.

My next thought was grey. More elegant, but more serious too. I had seen a pretty fabric at Calico which was way cheaper. It was this beigey/grey leopard fabric.  So I thought I would change my plan to something like this-

But then a few things happened. The chandeliers arrived and they were too big.  The scale was all wrong.  There was plenty of extra space around them but they felt too heavy for the narrow space. The mirror was out of stock (yikes!). Out of thousands and thousands of mirrors that I had scoured this was my favorite. Oh well.... and two of these sheep skins arrived and they smelled horribly.  The smell was really terrible. So much so that I packed those puppies right up and put them as far away as possible (the garage!) until I figured out the return label situation.  This closet is supposed to smell like perfume and roses not like a barn house. And to top it all off I wasn't crazy in love with the grey.  I wanted something fun and exciting as this closet represents my little escape.  I went back to my original idea of using pink and then started toying with the idea of lilac.  Ever since I saw this bathroom some months ago I have had lilac stuck in my head.

You all would have lilac stuck on your head after seeing this right? Follow me on Instagram as I try paint swatches in both pink and lilac....what color will I love the most?  Do you have some suggestions?  

And now let's see what my friends are up to today!!  I can't wait to read all about their progress.

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  1. Sorry your week was full of products that need to be returned! I had the same kind of week. It is a great plan and I love the lilac with gold! Good luck this week.xo Nancy

  2. So sorry your original plan fell apart but you roll well with the changes my friend. And lilac sounds lovely!

  3. Argh sorry to hear about your inspiration board not turning out. Loved the first look but excited to see how the lilac turns out!


  4. I LOVE lilac and gold and I am sorry you had a rough week. I know all about back-orders at the moment.....cannot wait to see your progress next week!

  5. I laughed about the sheepskin. I have it up in a guest room and the thing still stinks after 6 months. Luckily we don't get very many guests. I had pinned that lilac bathroom a while back. If I ever get divorced that is exactly what I want my bathroom to look like;)

  6. What a frustrating week! My dressing room is pink and my office is lavender so you know I'm on board. Can't wait to see what you choose.

  7. I LOVE the lilac bathroom and know all about those backorders…so frustrating isn't it??? Your original was beautiful, but lilac and gold are a favorite of mine…can't wait to see more!!!

  8. Well you know I love both pink and lilac but I think I know which one is perfect for your closet:) I have a sample of that first fabric and love it too. BUT...I think your new plan is going to be even more beautiful! I can't wait to see it come together:) Oh and sorry about the sheepskins...I've had that happen too- it does dissipate after a while but still a bummer.

  9. Ugh, sorry you had to change directions, but that lilac with gold accents is so lovely and unique!! (I'm feeling validated, I have that exact Sabu fabric, right? in my plan) :)

  10. I love seeing how this comes together, I almost love this more than the big reveal :) Can't wait to see what else you have in store Albertina, I know it will be wonderful. This might be a duplicate comment, blogger is so sensitive sometimes!

  11. I think it's wonderful how you have adjusted with each challenge that has come up. I loved all the color schemes you have. The lilac is seriously just stunning. I do wish the chandelier would have worked. Maybe in another room? Your doing a great job!

  12. I picked the same chandelier for my foyer ORC but changed my mind because I didn't think it would allow enough light to shine through. I am still on the hunt for the right fixture. Loving your ideas so far! Can't wait to see the final choices.


  13. Lilac is gorgeous. It's feminine, and yet very sophisticated. Very interested to see how this evolves!

  14. I LOVE lilac and I'm so happy you're using it here. It's the perfect space for that. I'm sorry to hear about your set backs, but this is a new week and I'm sure it will get better! Abby M.

  15. I have been obsessed with that same shot too! Xander and Milly will have jack and jill bathrooms in our next house, and I'm really hoping for a lilac vanity on the girly side. :) Can't wait to see your progress!

  16. stupid lead times! I feel your pain. Too bad about the lights... and the mirror... and the sheepskin. Hopefully next week has better luck.
    Love the lilac idea. good luck finding the right color!

  17. what naomi said. stupid lead times. literally total buzz killer.
    I also love lilac. its just a bit different than what anyone else is doing these days. so good!

  18. Ewwww that the rug was smelly!! Ugh. Can I tell you how sad I am that you can't use that Quadrille fabric in your first board? They should keep a stash on hand for this type of situation : )

    You'll overcome whatever obstacles come your way and create an amazing closet space! I can't wait to see your new plan!

  19. The lilac looks gorgeous! Can't wait to see more updates next week!


  20. What a bummer! I'm sorry, and I also know that you will make lemonade out of this. Hang in there. I'm sure the end result will be even better.

  21. Lilac it is then! And a very good decision I might add. Love. Sorry about the lights, skins, and mirrors. That is a huge bummer. I guess soon you will be pulling it out of your ......!

  22. oh lilac is the perfect color. i had my room lilac once and i miss it!

  23. Yikes! Welcome to our daily world my friend. Lead time nightmares. But the thing is the plan b always proves better than the original. It'll be fab in pink of lilac, I mean hello, there is gold involved!

  24. oh wow, you've nailed this girl! Love the fabric. And the lighting. And the rug. Ok, love it all. Can't wait to see how this all comes together! LOVE

    I picked out bunk beds this week for the ORC linking participant. I gotta get moving!

  25. Que linda combinación rosa ALBERTINA !!q

  26. Love the Lilac idea! I can't believe I had that same chandelier in a mood board I'm doing for my new house. I going to have to check the dimensions myself....it might not work for me either. The mirror was gorgeous! Too bad it was out of stock! Can't wait for the next update!

  27. Lilac please!! The downtown Charleston home I did was painted in a beautiful soft lilac. It looked beautiful!

  28. Ahhh so good. Love the idea of lilac. I've been searching for the perfect blush. Color can be so hard! I think that is why I tend to go white all the time!

  29. Lilac is a fabulous choice, can' wait to see!!

  30. Yuck, stinky barn...not what you had in mind! Love the lilac idea! Can't wait to see where you are headed next!

  31. oh i do love the lilac. i almost went there with the office for the last ORC, but couldn't pull the trigger. but i didn't have that gorgeous bathroom taunting me. DO IT DO IT. love the fabric from your gray inspiration board. subtle and chic. ox

  32. The lilac would be so pretty!!! I love that inspiration image! It looks so good with the brass and would pair nicely with the Calico fabric too, I think. Xoxo

  33. I'm sooooo bummed that you don't get to use that fabulous Malmaison fabric but thank you for introducing it to me. I'm sorry you are having stress from the lights etc. but I know you will pull it off!!!! XO

  34. Gah - both design options are gorgeous but I'm with you - lilac is seriously something else! I love that you shared your not-so-great design struggles...it's not easy to be so open when us bloggers are constantly trying to make things look pretty and perfect. That's what makes the ORC so fun - seeing the process behind the final (and pretty) result!


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