
Currently Coveting

June 02, 2016

I love being on summer vacation but I feel a little off without my daily routine.  Don't get me wrong, I'm loving every minute of not having to rush out the house every morning but I just need another week to fully adjust.  This extra chaos is kind of fun I must admit.  So, currently coveting-

|| A tropical yoga mat. I'm in desperate need for a new yoga mat and I'm always so tempted to get an inspired beauty like this tropical one here.

|| A straw tote with pompoms.  I love everything Eliza Gran designs and I'm so excited she is making totes.  The vibrantly colored pompoms are her signature and these ombre purples are just perfect!

||  A face highlighter. I have read wonderful things about this face highlighter. It helps your complexion look fresh and luminous.  Yes, please!

|| An ivy trellis in my backyard fence. I fell in love with this Ivy trellis.  My husband has tried to do this in our backyard's fence and has not been as successful. So we will be reading this DIY to see how we can improve our design.

|| The House beautiful Pink book.  This definitive guide presents all the fabulous and unexpected ways you can use pink in your home.

||  Summer Dresses.  This cute striped dress and this blue and white checked off-the-shoulder piece are both chic and easy. Dress them up or down for any summer occasion.

[ tropical yoga mat | straw tote with pompoms | highlighter | ivy trellis | House beautiful Pink book | pink and white striped dress | blue and white checked dress ]

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  1. LOVE that yoga mat!! Have you seen the India Hicks Riviera basket? I think you would dig it! The lining is a palm print! :) http://indiahicks.com/rep/carriesampson/shopping/productdetail?id=15022-01&CategoryId=48&CategoryName=Bags

  2. I am in love with that pink striped dress (and YES to the trellis design. Stunning!) Happy Friday sweet friend!


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